
Showing posts from March, 2023

Change Text Dynamically

  To change the text dynamically using JavaScript, you can use the innerHTML property of a DOM element. Here's an example: HTML: php Copy code < p id = "myText" > This is some text. </ p > < button onclick = "changeText()" > Click me </ button > JavaScript: javascript Copy code function changeText ( ) { document . getElementById ( "myText" ). innerHTML = "This text has been changed." ; } In this example, we have a paragraph element with the ID myText and a button that calls the changeText function when clicked. The changeText function uses the document.getElementById method to get a reference to the myText element and then sets its innerHTML property to the new text we want to display.

Syntax 2

  JavaScript is a scripting language that is widely used in web development. Here are some basic syntax rules of JavaScript: Statements: In JavaScript, a statement is a line of code that performs an action. Statements end with a semicolon (;) by convention. For example: javascript Copy code var x = 5 ; alert ( "Hello, World!" ); Variables: Variables are used to store values in JavaScript. You can declare a variable using the var keyword followed by the variable name. For example: javascript Copy code var x = 5 ; var y = "Hello" ; Data types: JavaScript has several data types, including numbers, strings, booleans, arrays, and objects. For example: javascript Copy code var x = 5 ; // number var y = "Hello" ; // string var z = true ; // boolean var arr = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]; // array var obj = { name : "John" , age : 30 }; // object Operators: JavaScript has several types of operators, including arithmetic, assignment, comp...